Saturday, June 12, 2010

BrixCC and The Day of Walking Up the Step

The day had come to walk up the STEP!!!Please remain in a calm order, this will be over soon.This day has only 1/3 categories. To accomplish walking up the STEP without falling,the 1/3 of the step and will fall if not executed properly.I downloaded a nxc file from a post on called GPS and NXT which is a file that a GPS that is paired bluetoothly to the NXT gives lat and long which is displayed on a NXT Screen.For the 2/3 of the STEP is giving these coordinates to the compass sensor and using that to transport/navigate itself. The 3/3 is getting the light sensor to detect the curb line to center itself on a lane,the Ultrasonic Sensor to detect objects and stop or horn and to get the touch sensors working as bumpers and the Acceleration sensor to detect incline and adjust speed.

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