Friday, February 26, 2010

My Adventure Mindmap

I have created a mind map for my concept to list out all the tasks for my project. Because I didn't have a mind mapping software, I went online and downloaded a software called FreeMind. But after I saved my first draft of my mind  map, I was unable to open the file for some reason unknown to me.

So I downloaded another software called Concept Draw Office and I redid it. I found in my first section (Robotics) many to dos such as building a chassis, attaching motors to the chassis, then attaching sensors to the chassis and run through a test run to see if the motors and sensors are working correctly.

In my second section (Planning), I found four more to dos which are creating a mind map, updating this blog, taking notes during this journey and writing out the to dos in a numbers template.

[insert your mindmap]

Finally, for my third and final part (Blender) the last four to dos are making a virtual car, building a city and animating both of them.

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Beginning of My Adventure

Hi, I'm Jian. I've been a fan of Lego Mindstorm™ since I got my first set in October 2009. I would like to build a project to showcase a concept that I have been developing in my mind.

Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Mapping Software like Google Maps are becoming easily available. Most cars these days come GPS navigation as standard in the car. The GPS system tells the driver how to navigate his/her vehicle from point A to B. It seems to me that the next leap will be for the GPS to give instructions on navigation to a Robotic car.

To demonstrate how this could be done, I have chosen to develop this project using Mindstorm, Blender and Google Maps. Over the next few months, I am going to plan and design my concept, build a virtual model and a prototype. I hope that my posts on my journey will be interesting to read.